Duke alumnus named 2024 Collegiate Inventors Competition finalist for artificial meniscus implant

Duke alumnus named 2024 Collegiate Inventors Competition finalist for artificial meniscus implant

Duke alumnus Kishen Mitra, Pratt '24, was named a finalist in the 2024 National Inventors Hall of Fame Collegiate Inventors Competition for his creation MyMeniscus+, an artificial meniscus implant.

Mitra -- who earned his bachelor's degree in biomedical engineering -- was named one of five finalists in the Collegiate Inventors Competition, a national contest for undergraduate and graduate student inventors.

"This technology is an implant, but it [does] much more than just creating an anatomic equivalent construct," Mitra said of MyMeniscus+. "It also accounts for a patient's demographics and parameters to be able to tailor the mechanical properties to their needs. That's where the novelty and innovation lies in this product."

MyMeniscus+ is an artificial 3D printed meniscus with shock-absorbing networks that is tailored to each individual's personal needs. Instead of having to receive a total meniscectomy -- a procedure to remove the entire meniscus from the knee -- a patient would receive this implant with the intention that it would both reduce the changes of later surgeries and restore their full range of motion.

The meniscus is a piece of cartilage in the knee that acts as a shock absorber. According to the Mayo Clinic, a torn meniscus is "one of the most common knee injuries," but severe tears may require replacement surgery called a meniscal allograft transplantation.

Typically, the procedure involves transplanting a donor meniscus into an injured knee. According to Mitra, however, the procedure has a failure rate of 25% within 10 years and 60% within 20. Moreover, he noted that when those implants fail, patients often need to go through multiple surgeries to replace them.

To address what he defined a "huge care gap," Mitra said that he wanted to "leverage [his] design background ... to develop a solution."

"[MyMeniscus+] will be their new meniscus. Their new anatomy that can stay with them for the rest of their lives, as opposed to these other patch-up solutions that kind of exist in the market right now," he said, adding that the device, due to the way he is "optimizing" its structure, would ideally reduce the chance of someone getting reinjured.

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