Hutchinson Police Services reported the following incidents:
OCT. 23: At 5 a.m., a resident of the 200 block of Hassan Street Southeast reported that $1,445 worth of cow clipping tools used to clip the hooves of cattle had been stolen from an unlocked vehicle parked in the alley.
OCT. 31: At 2:17 p.m., employees at Walmart reported that a woman using the self-checkout aisle had swiped her credit card, but had neglected to complete a $54 transaction. She was described as a Caucasian woman age 50 to 60 with brown hair and wearing black pants and a purple coat. She left the parking lot in a black 2012 Ford Fusion. It is under investigation.
At 10 p.m., Jemel Hill, 18, of Hutchinson was driving a 2001 Chrysler near the intersection of Spruce Court Northeast and Sixth Avenue when he shifted into fourth gear, lost control, hit the curb and ended up on a lawn. The vehicle sustained moderate damage. Hill was issued a ticket for allegedly failing to driving with due care.
NOV. 4: At 10:44 p.m., there was a report of smoke coming from a storm drain. It appeared someone had poured gasoline on leave in the drain and ignited it. It is considered a possible arson case.
NOV. 5: At 4:03 p.m., employees at the Holiday gas station, 1016 State Highway 15 S., reported that a woman had used a credit card multiple time in recent weeks by verifying the code, even though it turned out not to be her card. The total loss was $276. It is under investigation.
NOV. 6: At 6:30 p.m., a 1999 GMC driven by Daniel Dominguez, 18, of Hutchinson collided with a 1996 Chevrolet driven by Cindy Wimmer of Hutchinson at the intersection of Merrill Street Southwest and South Grade Road. Both vehicles sustained moderate damage. Dominguez was issued a ticket for allegedly failing to yield.
NOV. 9: At 12:03 p.m., employees at Lamplighter Family Sports Bar and Grill, 1011 State Highway 15 S., reported suspicions that three people who had been in the bar the night before caused an estimated $365 damage to the restrooms. They were described as a 45-year Hispanic woman, a 50-year-old Hispanic man and a Caucasian man about 45 with long brown hair. They left in a black two-door Dodge pickup with Texas license plates.
At 2:38 p.m., Anita Swanson of Glencoe, driving a 1994 Ford, rear-ended a 2011 Honda driven by Dennis Asburn of Darwin. Both were northbound on Main Street near Second Avenue South. Swanson was moving into the left turn lane when she allegedly clipped the driver's side rear corner of the Asburn vehicle. Both vehicles sustained moderate damage. Swanson was issued a ticket for alleged inattentive driving.
At 10:02 p.m., the owner of a 2003 Dodge pickup reported that items worth $930 were stolen from the truck while it was parked south of the Century 9 Theaters, 766 Century Ave. S.W. The items included a black backpack with a laptop, school books, a tan and blue jacket, an ammunition bag and $120 worth of shot gun shells. The window had been left partially open.
NOV. 10: At 2:24 p.m., police were called to the Target parking lot, 1370 State Highway 15 S., where a 17-year-old girl reported seeing a man, who had been parked in front of the car she was sitting in, allegedly masturbating in the front seat of his car. She reported the man got out of his car, a Navy blue Ford, and covered his license plate with a shirt before driving off. He was described as a late 20s or early 30s Caucasian man about 6-foot-4, with brown hair and wearing camouflage pants and a dark brown sweatshirt.
NOV. 12: At 4:09 p.m., a resident of the 1100 block of Maple Street Northeast reported someone had broken into his home through a basement door. Car keys were taken from the home and used to drive his 2009 Chevrolet Aveo. The car was returned before he got home.
NOV. 13: At 2:56 p.m., Judith Lund of Hutchinson was northbound in a 1999 Mercury on Main Street when she moved into the left turn lane at Second Avenue South and drifted into the driver's side of northbound 2011 Chevrolet driven by Alyson Graff of Waconia. Both vehicles sustained light damage.
At 5:26 p.m., Megan Karg of Hutchinson was driving a 2004 Nissan when it allegedly rear-ended a 2012 Nissan driven by Dawn Anderson of Hutchinson at the intersection of state highways 7 and 15. Both cars sustained light damage. Karg was ticketed for allegedly failing to drive with due care.
NOV. 14: At 2:08 p.m., employees at SuperAmerica, 1210 State Highway 7 W., reported that a Caucasian man age 50 to 60, with a light-colored beard, had left the gas station without paying for gasoline worth $19. He was driving a mid-90s black and gold Jeep. The vehicle headed eastbound on Highway 7.
At 3:07 p.m., a trio of bikes were reported stolen from a garage in the 400 block of Main Street South. One was a blue Huffy, 15-speed mountain bike worth $30 and another was a black Schwinn valued at $289.
NOV. 15: At 11:41 a.m., a resident of the 400 block of Rose Lane reported that a box of motorcycle parts were missing from a shed. The parts had been purchased by her late husband before his death for his Harley-Davidson cycle.
At 4:37 p.m., Walmart reported that a man had shoplifted a $10 hat. The man was seen getting in a Dodge Durango. A woman was in the vehicle, too. Police are investigating surveillance video and a license plate number provided.
NOV. 16: At 8:25 a.m., a 1998 Lincoln Navigator driven by Salinas Eulalio backed into a parked 2002 Chevrolet owned by Betty DeWitte of Hutchinson near the Hutchinson Community Hospital emergency room entrance, 1095 State Highway 15 S.
At 10:45 a.m., the owner of 2004 Chevrolet Impala reported someone had shattered the rear window while it was parked in a back alley lot in the 500 block of Jefferson Street Southeast. Damage was estimated at $300.
At 11:11 a.m., $300 damage was reported by the owner of the 101 Park Place Buildiong, 101 Main St. S.
NOV. 17: At 10 a.m., the mother of New Century Academy student reported that her son's $300 iPod has been taken at about 12:30 p.m. the day before. A possible suspect is under investigation.
At 11:55 a.m., a resident of an apartment building at 10 Glen St. N. reported a Sentry safe about 12-inches long had been stolen that morning. The safe and contains were valued at $70.
NOV. 18: At 4:20 p.m., a 16-year-old girl living at the Franklin House group home, 135 Franklin St. N.W., allegedly assaulted a staff member by biting her. The girl was arrested. Two counts of fifth-degree assault are being sought against her.
NOV. 19: At 10:51 a.m., a resident of Country Club Terrace reported that a 6-gallon gas tank had been stolen from his pontoon for a loss of about $70. His 1999 Chevrolet Suburban also appeared to have been entered and a check and coins taken.