VERNON HILLS, Ill. (AP) -- VERNON HILLS, Ill. (AP) -- CDW Corp. (CDW) on Wednesday reported fourth-quarter net income of $264.2 million.
The Vernon Hills, Illinois-based company said it had profit of $1.97 per share. Earnings, adjusted for amortization costs and non-recurring costs, were $2.48 per share.
The results surpassed Wall Street expectations. The average estimate of six analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment Research was for earnings of $2.33 per share.
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The information technology company posted revenue of $5.19 billion in the period, which also beat Street forecasts. Five analysts surveyed by Zacks expected $4.97 billion.
For the year, the company reported profit of $1.08 billion, or $7.97 per share. Revenue was reported as $21 billion.
CDW shares have climbed 15% since the beginning of the year. The stock has decreased 14% in the last 12 months.
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This story was generated by Automated Insights ( using data from Zacks Investment Research. Access a Zacks stock report on CDW at
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