MonDak Heritage Center Announces Williston Area Visual Artists Exhibition & Artist Reception Feb. 7

MonDak Heritage Center Announces Williston Area Visual Artists Exhibition & Artist Reception Feb. 7

Williston Area Visual Artists (WAVA) strives to provide a nurturing and supportive environment by which artists will feel inspired and encouraged and thereby further enhance the enthusiasm of the art community. They meet every 3rd Wednesday at 7 p.m. for a business meeting and education at the James Art Center classroom. The club accepts all levels of artist and many different mediums to which everyone is welcomed and given positive input on their art. Members often participate in class night at the James Memorial Art Center the 1st and 4th Wednesday's at 6pm September-May to continue to hone their skills and network with other artists. Another artist opportunity Plein Air on the Prairie is offered by painting outdoors during the summer months. Anyone is welcome to activities and club membership is $25 annually.

Many of the pieces submitted for this show are the artist's interpretation of the quarterly challenge of which the club participates. Part of the 2023-2024 challenge was to use color theory elements and specify subjects to paint. This challenge was not the kind of therapy that allows a person to relax and come away feeling good. Every member participating was surprised by how difficult it was to limit ourselves to 1-4 colors to paint a subject. According to the WAVA artists, "Occasionally we asked ourselves if we met the criteria we set. Listed below are the color theory elements and subjects we incorporated into a painting. Although we felt frustrated at times by limiting ourselves to the challenge criteria, we walked away with a better understanding and appreciation on how to achieve the challenge set before us."

This year's art show features art work from the following WAVA members: Beverly Talian, Cliff Sundt, Kathleen Sinclair, Phyllis Sederquest, Daphne Clark, Haley Clark, Onesti Krieger, and Nancy R. Norvell. Art work ranges in oil, watercolor, stained glass, colored pencil, mixed media, to acrylic. Please join us for free artist reception on Feb. 7 from 4-6 p.m. for refreshments, lively conversation, and great art!

The MonDak Heritage Center is funded in part by coal severance taxes paid based upon coal mined in Montana and deposited in Montana's cultural and aesthetic projects trust fund.

The MonDak Heritage Center is open Tuesday-Friday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Saturday from 1-4. p.m. Admission is FREE. For more information call 406-433-3500 or e-mail [email protected]. Visit us online at

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