The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum offers the following horticultural classes and seminars in September. For more information, visit or call 952-443-1422.
* Creating a Landscape Plan for Your Home - Thursdays, Sept. 17, 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22 (six sessions), 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fee: $110 member / $130 non-member. Azalea Classroom. Topics include drives and walks, decks and patios, fences and hedges, grading and drainage, night lighting, foundation plantings and implementing your plan.
* Apples for Minnesota Gardens - Saturday, Sept. 19, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Horticultural Research Center. Fee: $30 member/$40 non-member. Learn the basics of growing apples, suitable varieties and cultivars for Minnesota, cultural aspects, pruning, insect and disease control, when to harvest and how to store your harvest.
* Stonescaping: The Building Blocks of Your Landscape - Sunday, Sept. 20, 1-3:30 p.m. Fee: $20 member/$30 non-member. Azalea Classroom. Learn how to utilize stone in your garden in its many forms, including stone walls and fences to complement the home and garden.
* Land Conservation & Clean Water Summit 2009 - Thursday and Friday, Sept. 24 and 25, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Join policymakers and conservation practitioners for expert insight and updates on low-impact development (LID) techniques, model conservation projects, building green infrastructure, navigating rules and regulations, applying for funds, and other timely, practical information about local, state and regional programs. For more information and to register visit: or call 952-443-1422.
* Ornamental Grasses - Saturday, Sept. 26, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Snyder Classroom 2. Many grasses have more than one season of interest because of their attractive foliage color and texture, distinctive plant habit, showy floral and fruiting structures. Find out which perennial and annual ornamental grasses are easy to grow in your garden.
* Pruning Deciduous Trees and Shrubs Workshop - Saturday, Sept. 26, 1:30-4:30 p.m. Fee: $35 member/$45 non-member. Snyder Classroom 1. In this hands-on workshop, you will practice correct pruning techniques. Learn terminology, treatment for deciduous woody plants, timing, renewal pruning, proper cuts, and equipment. Bring gloves and pruning shears to class.