So today was solid, mainly relaxed and ended up getting a few movies, mainly BlackkKlansman, Final Destination 1-4, and Gothika, which I watched a few hours ago. I was t sure what to expect from it, as I vaguely remember it from seeing commercials for it during episodes of Raw, but only have heard bad things about it. But honestly, I actually did enjoy that movie. It's nothing great or amazing, the plot is kind of nonsensical, but I thought it was a solid horror thriller, cinematography is great (though I suppose that's what happens when you recruit Darren Aronofsky's cinematographer), and Halle Berry was great as the lead. Nothing much more to say, just thought it was a perfectly fine thriller that probably gets a bit too much hate, I essentially share the same opinion as Roger Ebert in regards to Gothika. Nothing special, but a stylish film with Halle Berry being great.
The Nightly: February 11th, 2025
By Metal Matt