Psychology Says If You Can Master These 10 Skills, You'll Command Respect Into Your 80s

Psychology Says If You Can Master These 10 Skills, You'll Command Respect Into Your 80s

Life is slow to reward the guy who plays it safe, is scared of his shadow, and hopes people will notice how nice he is. That used to be me, and it did nothing for the dent I could have left on this planet.

One of the most invigorating life choices is to refuse to be weak. Life isn't always easy, but it's made far more complicated when you lose your sense of inner strength on top of that. There are particular skills, however, that, if mastered, will allow you to command respect well into your old age.

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Never beg. Begging for approval, attention, or time is the ultimate weak act. Instead, approach every interaction with a negotiator's mindset.

Figure out the win-win agreement and shake on it. Never lower yourself to anyone, no matter how highly you view them.

We're all just spinning rocks in space. People respect those who respect themselves first.

Predictability will help you join the ranks of average and rather dull. If people always know your next move, they can anticipate and manipulate you. Keep people guessing.

Don't overshare your plans. Leave room for mystery -- this means being deliberate but not entirely predictable.

Unpredictability can foster respect by creating an element of mystery and perceived power. It makes people less able to manipulate or control you and suggests a level of confidence and autonomy, which can be interpreted as a sign of strength and leadership potential.

A study by Frontiers in Neurology recommended not to try to be unpredictable just for the sake of it; genuine confidence and self-awareness are key to projecting a positive image.

There's a difference between putting in effort to make a worthy relationship thrive and letting people treat you like a human foot towel. Energy is your most important asset, and the people around you either motivate you to be better or leave you thinking it's time to jump from a bridge.

Staying in draining relationships out of guilt or fear only turns you into a limp leaf. Find your backbone and get out of there.

Every human has a dark side, and pretending it doesn't exist doesn't do you any favors. Denying your flaws, your anger, your animal desires, or your ambition stifles you.

Use your shadow to fuel your discipline, creativity, or goals rather than letting it leak out in passive-aggressive jabs or whimpers of self-denial. Own your perceived imperfections and turn them into fuel.

Owning your imperfections can foster respect from others because it demonstrates authenticity, vulnerability, and self-awareness, which people generally admire.

A 2020 study found that it also allows for deeper connection by showing that you are not trying to be perfect, making you more relatable and human. This can ultimately lead to increased trust and respect.

Every time you say 'Yeah ok' to something you don't want, you're saying 'heck no' to yourself.

Setting boundaries doesn't make you rude; it strengthens the vision people have of you. Practice saying no clearly, with grace, and without rambling justifications.

Reliance on anyone -- be it a boss, a partner, the government, or a friend -- is a critical vulnerability. If your ability to walk away relies on someone else's decision, you have no control or true freedom.

Build your income streams based on multiple customers, learn the skills to fend for yourself, and prioritize freedom over keeping up with the Joneses.

Vulnerability can foster respect by signaling authenticity, trust, and emotional maturity. When someone shares their true thoughts and feelings, they are willing to be seen and understood.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology found that this can lead to deeper connections and a perception of greater strength and integrity, ultimately earning respect from others.

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The truth cuts deeper than any excuse or half-baked explanation. You're in a self-imposed prison of self-censorship otherwise.

Speak your mind honestly, but don't overshare or defend every decision you make. The right people will respect your sincerity, and the wrong ones don't deserve the effort.

Stop fishing for pity when things get hard. Accept that things are the way they are because of you.

This isn't as crippling as it sounds. It's the opposite. When you see life through the lens of your role in it, you now have instant power.

You can either let it go if it's out of your control. Or you can take your newfound agency and do something. Realizing and acknowledging one's faults can increase one's respect from others because it demonstrates self-awareness, humility, and a willingness to learn and grow.

These are generally considered positive traits that build trust and credibility with others. A 2011 study stresses the crucial importance of acknowledging one's faults. Over-apologizing or dwelling on negative aspects can undermine one's credibility.

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Stop following rules that don't serve you. Many of us do this without realizing it and then wonder why we're miserable. Every great man lives by a set of principles he wrote for himself -- not what society, friends, or family told him to believe.

Decide what you stand for, what you'll never tolerate, and what you're willing to fight for. Write it all down. Live by it, and let it guide every decision you make.

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Waiting to feel 'ready' is fear manifesting. No one hands leadership to a man sitting on his hands waiting for permission. Take initiative, even if you're scared.

Plan the trip, make the decision, and take charge of your life. People respect the person who acts, even when the stakes feel high or the road ahead is uncertain. You got this.

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